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Adoption Quarterly
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In addition to examining ethical, biological, financial, social, and psychological facets of adoption, this journal addresses adoption issues that are important to both practitioners and researchers, such as: negotiation of birth and adoptive family contact; identity formation in the context of adoption; and adjustment issues for birth and adoptive parents.
Open access
Advances in Social Work is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original work addressing current issues, challenges, and responses facing social work practice, research, and education
Open access
Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work is an international, open access, peer-reviewed journal that provides a platform for research, analysis and scholarly debate on social work theory, policy and practice.
Canadian Review of Social Policy
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Alternate Name(s) Revue canadienne de politique sociale, CRSP, RCPS
The Canadian Review of Social Policy is a scholarly and bilingual journal of progressive social policy.
Canadian Social Work
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Official publication of the Canadian Association of Social Workers (CASW).
Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal
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Alternate Name(s) CASW
Features original articles that focus on social work practice with children, adolescents, and their families. The journal addresses current issues in the field of social work drawn from theory, direct practice, research, and social policy.
Child & Family Social Work
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Child & Family Social Work is a journal dedicated to advancing the well-being and welfare of children and their families throughout the world.
Child & Youth Care Forum
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Peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary publication featuring original empirical research papers, theoretical reviews, and commentaries on children, youth, and families.
Child & Youth Services
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Academic journal devoted to advancing knowledge and thinking about relational engagement with children, youth, their families, and communities. It addresses topics of concern to children and youth in the multiple arenas of their lives, including but not limited to residential care, street and homeless youth work practice, juvenile corrections, relational practice, program development and implementation, and youth policy.
Child Abuse Review
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Peer-reviewed publication with a focus on child protection. Official journal of the British Association for the Study and Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (BASPCAN).
Child Care in Practice
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Peer-reviewed journal coverning all disciplines in the provision of children’s services, including social work, social care, health care, medicine, psychology, education, the police and probationary services, and solicitors and barristers working in the family law and youth justice sectors.
Child Development
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Peer-reviewed journal published on behalf of the Society for Research in Child Development.
Child Welfare
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Peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the special problems facing millions of children who rely on caring professionals to help.
Open access
Alternate Name(s) CW360°
This annual publication from the Centre for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare provides communities, child welfare professionals, and other human service professionals comprehensive information on the latest research, policies, and practices in a key area affecting child well-being.
Child: Care, Health & Development
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Peer-reviewed public health journal published On behalf of the British Association of Community Child Health, the Swiss Paediatric Society, and the European Society for Social Pediatrics.
Open access
International, open-access journal dedicated to a streamlined, yet scientifically rigorous, dissemination of peer-reviewed science related to childhood health and disease in developed and developing countries.
Children & Schools
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This journal is a practitioner-to-practitioner resource focused on research relevant to social work services in education.
Children & Society
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Interdisciplinary journal published on behalf of the National Children's Bureau (UK) featuring research on all aspects of childhood and services for children and young people.
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Peer-reviewed original articles relevant to contemporary clinical practice with individuals, couples, families, and groups.
Clinical Social Work Journal
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The Clinical Social Work Journal publishes leading, peer-reviewed original articles relevant to contemporary clinical practice with individuals, couples, families, and groups.
Clinical Supervisor
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Journal devoted exclusively to the study of clinical supervision.
Contemporary Rural Social Work
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Focuses on the development of knowledge about rural social work and the promotion of excellence in rural practice.
Open access
Critical Social Work is a bi-annual, peer-reviewed online journal hosted by the University of Windsor School of Social Work. Its mandate is to provide a forum for scholarly and constructive dialogue on social justice issues in the field of social work.
Education & Treatment of Children
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Journal for researchers and others with a professional interest in children and youth and the development of services for children and youth.
Family Law Quarterly
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A scholarly journal intended to keep practitioners current with an analytical view of existing and emerging family law issues.
Field Educator
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Online journal produced by the Simmons School of Social Work and dedicated to knowledge exchange among the social work field education community.
First Peoples Child & Family Review
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The First Nations Child & Family Caring Society of Canada publishes this open-access journal dedicated to interdisciplinary research honouring Indigenous voices, perspectives and knowledges within the field of child, family and community-based issues.
Open access
Alternate Name(s) Native Social Work Journal,
Scholarly and community-based publication committed to the preservation, revitalization, and promotion of the expanding field of Indigenous social work knowledge, theories, and practices.
Open access
Alternate Name(s) IIPJ
Peer-reviewed, open-access policy-relevant research journal addressing issues pertaining to Indigenous peoples throughout the world.
International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies
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Alternate Name(s) IJCYFS
The International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies (IJCYFS) is a peer reviewed, open access, interdisciplinary, cross-national journal that is committed to scholarly excellence in the field of research about and services for children, youth, families and their communities.
International Journal of Children's Rights
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Covers law, legal and political theory, psychology, psychiatry, educational theory, sociology, social administration and social work, health, social anthropology, economics, theology, and history as relates to children's rights.
Open access
Alternate Name(s) IJERPH
Interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed open-access journal that publishes original articles, critical reviews, research notes, and short communications in the interdisciplinary area of environmental health sciences and public health.
Journal of Applied Research on Children
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Alternate Name(s) JARC
Open-access and peer-reviewed online journal published by the Children At Risk Institute. The journal seeks to inform policy affecting children by providing applicable research to the public, child advocates, and policy-makers on timely children’s issues.
Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse
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Research on the practice and treatment of substance abuse in young people.
Journal of Child and Family Studies
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The Journal of Child and Family Studies is an international forum for topical issues pertaining to the mental well-being of children, adolescents, and their families.
Journal of Child Sexual Abuse
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This journal covers research issues, clinical issues, legal issues, prevention programs, case studies, and brief reports focusing on three subject groups: child and adolescent victims of sexual abuse or incest, adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse or incest, and sexual abuse or incest offenders
Journal of Family Social Work
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Journal of policy, clinical practice, and research directed to the needs of social workers and other mental health and family practitioners who work with couples and families.
Journal of Family Studies
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The Journal of Family Studies is a peer-reviewed journal that aims to develop the understanding of families, households and relationships in society, from a range of interdisciplinary perspectives.
Journal of Family Violence
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Alternate Name(s) JOFV
The Journal of Family Violence is a peer-reviewed publication committed to the dissemination of rigorous research on preventing, ending, and ameliorating all forms of family violence.
Open access
Alternate Name(s) JISD
This journal is focused on new paradigms and conceptions of social welfare practice and research dedicated to improving practice and expanding knowledge relevant to Indigenous peoples’ social and economic welfare.
Journal of Public Child Welfare
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Peer-reviewed journal of theory-based and applied research in child welfare.
Journal of Research on Adolescence
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Official journal of the Society for Research on Adolescence.
Journal of Social Welfare & Family Law
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Research and information about social welfare law for practicing lawyers, welfare workers, and all those involved in social administration.
Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics
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Alternate Name(s) JSWVE
The Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics examines the ethical and values issues that impact and are interwoven with social work practice, research, and theory development.
Open access
Alternate Name(s) Canadian Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Review
Open-access journal published by the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
Journal of Youth and Adolescence
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This journal publishes research relevant to psychologists, psychiatrists, biologists, criminologists, educators, and professionals in many other allied disciplines who address the subject of youth and adolescence.
Journal of Youth Studies
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Journal with research analyzing young people within a range of contexts, such as education, the labour market, and the family.
  • OACAS resource
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Nonprofit Organization Reference Center is a research database of peer-reviewed journals and other publications relevant to the non-profit sector. Covered topics include corporate and board governance, human resource management, volunteer engagement, public relations, and more.
Open access
Alternate Name(s) Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies Journal
The OACAS Journal features articles and news on child welfare research and practice in Ontario and highlights projects and initiatives to improve the well-being of children, youth, and families.
Open access
Alternate Name(s) Professional Development, The International Journal of Continuing Social Work Education
Refereed publication concerned with providing scholarly and relevant articles on continuing education, professional development, and training in the field of social welfare.
  • OACAS resource
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Ready-reference resources from the Social Work Reference Center, organized alphabetically. An average quick lesson will provide a summary or overview of a topic or issue in narrative form, as well as information organized by the following sections: facts and figures (for example, prevalence rates); risk factors; signs and symptoms; and relevant laws and legislation. In addition, information relevant to assessment, treatment, and discharge planning for the topic or issue is highlighted.
Residential Treatment for Children & Youth
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Official journal of the American Association of Children’s Residential Centers providing research related to delivery of services for vulnerable children and youth in child welfare, mental health, and juvenile justice systems. It addresses all issues relevant to residential care settings from staff retention, training, services, and funding to delivering specialized programs.
Social Service Review
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Alternate Name(s) SSR
Social Service Review is devoted to the publication of thought-provoking, original research on pressing social issues and promising social work practices and social welfare policies.
Open access
Alternate Name(s) SW&S
Peer-reviewed and open-access journal dedicated to critical analysis of the relationship between social work, social policy, the state and economic forces.
Social Work Reference Center
  • OACAS resource
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Alternate Name(s) SWRC
Social Work Reference Center is a specialized information portal providing access to quick lessons, topic overviews, and other ready-reference materials specifically designed for front-line professionals in social work and mental health.
  • OACAS resource
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Alternate Name(s) SSU
Sociology Source Ultimate is a comprehensive sociology and social work research database available from EBSCO. It provides access to over 1,000 active full-text peer-reviewed journals, including over 50 titles specific to child welfare, child and youth development, and family studies.
The Future of Children
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This journal offers comprehensive, cross-disciplinary articles focusing on issues related to children.
Open access
Research repository of the University of Toronto providing access to scholarly work by faculty including Barbara Fallon and Tara Black. This link provides direct access to publications tagged with the keyword "child welfare."
Vulnerable Children & Youth Studies
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Peer-reviewed journal with a focus on vulnerable children and youth at risk, specifically in relation to health and welfare issues, such as mental health, illness (including HIV/AIDS), disability, abuse, neglect, institutionalization, poverty, orphanhood, exploitation, war, famine, violence, and disaster.