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Psychotropic medications and child welfare

Collection of resources related to psychotropic medications and child welfare.

About this guide

This guide is intended to provide a general overview of psychotropic medication use and administration in the child welfare context, with a specific focus on use by and administration to children and youth in care.

About psychotropic medications

Psychotropic medications are prescribed medications that affect an individual's mind, emotions, mood, and/or behaviours. Psychotropic medications include anti-psychotics, anti-depressants, anti-anxiety medications, mood stabilizers, and ADHD medications. While psychotropic medications can be effective for managing certain conditions, they can have serious side effects, especially for young people. There are also concerns abut the number of psychotropic medications that are prescribed and administered to children and youth in care.

Ontario resources

Research and background

Practice guides and tools

Resources for young people

Maternal use of psychotropic medications