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Social Work Reference Center (SWRC)

Information related to searching and using Social Work Reference Center, a specialized information portal for front-line professionals in social work and mental health.

Key resources

This page provides an overview of the types of resources available through Social Work Reference Center that are most likely to be of relevance to child welfare professionals. There are four types of resources highlighted here, two which are categorized under Diseases and Conditions and two which are categorized as Practice and Skills

Diseases and Conditions

Quick Lessons typically provide the most in-depth coverage of a topic or issue. An average quick lesson will provide a summary or overview of the topic or issue in narrative form, as well as information organized by the following sections: facts and figures (for example, prevalence rates); risk factors; signs and symptoms; and relevant laws and legislation. In addition, information relevant to assessment, treatment, and discharge planning for the topic or issue is highlighted.

For an example, see the Human Trafficking quick lesson.

Evidence-Based Care Sheets cover some of the same content as quick lessons, however, information is not provided in a narrative form or organized by sections; instead, it is presented in a series of bullet points. An average care sheet will provide facts and findings relevant to understanding a topic or issue. In addition, each care sheet includes a section called "What We Can Do" outlining actions related to awareness, prevention, and treatment.

For an example, see the War: Effects on Children evidence-based care sheet.

Practice and Skills

While Social Work Practice and Skill guides also provide an overview of a topic or issue, they are primarily focused on supporting the professional achieve proficiency in a skill or practice area. These practice guides highlight best practices, outline the responsibilities of the worker, and recommend interventions.

Practice guides also typically have a corresponding Skill Competency Checklist available in Social Work Reference Center as a separate document.

For examples of both, see the Communicating with Clients social work practice and skill guide and skill competency checklist.

Finding resources

You can access the above resources by clicking on Diseases and Conditions and Practice and Skill found under "Browse" on the homepage of Social Work Reference Center. Both are also available from the top navigation menu.

Another way to locate these resources is to use the Advanced Search menu and limit your results by Publication Type. This is discussed in more detail here.