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EBSCOHost research databases

Tips and tricks for searching two EBSCOHost research databases: Sociology Source Ultimate and the Nonprofit Organization Reference Center.

Search by geographical location

The EBSCOHost research databases support searching by geographic location, but a dedicated search field only appears in the Advanced Search interface when searching on one (not both) databases. When you are only searching on either Sociology Source Ultimate or the Nonprofit Organization Reference Center, you will see additional search fields available to you, including search by Geographic Terms.

Note that you can skip the step of selecting or deselecting databses by inputting GE followed by your search terms directly into any search bar as per below: 

Like subject headings, geographic terms are added to the database records of journal articles during cataloguing and indexing (as shown below).  

Sometimes, no geographical terms are added to a record, despite the research having a clear geographical connection. This is especially common for smaller communities and Indigenous place names, which are typically underrepresented in research databases and other mainstream knowledge organization systems.

You can also search for your terms using the Title or Abstract fields. This technique does not rely on database indexing practices and will retrieve results that are highly relevant to a given geographical location.

Wildcards and truncation

You can use the wildcard and truncation symbols to perform searches on queries with unknown characters, multiple spellings, or various endings. In some cases, the default search mode for EBSCOHost research databases already supports these types of variations (i.e. different forms and tenses of a word) but when you need to be precise, it's best to use the following symbols:

Wildcard - unknown characters

  • To search for a term with unknown characters or letters, use the question mark (?) 
  • In your query, replace each unknown character with a ?
  • For example: child m??treatment would retrieve child maltreatment; child mistreatment, etc.

Wildcard - multiple spellings

  • To search for a term with multiple spellings, use the hash sign (#) 
  • In your query, add a # in places where an alternate spelling may contain an extra character
  • For example: p#ediatrics would retrieve pediatrics and paediatrics

Truncation - various endings

  • To search for a term with various endings, use the asterisk (*)
  • In your query, enter the root of your term followed by *, where  represents all possible endings
  • For example: forensic interview* would retrieve forensic interviews, forensic interviewing, forensic interviewer, etc.

Note that wildcards and truncation symbols cannot be used as the first character in a search term.