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Intimate partner violence (IPV) and child welfare

Supplementary readings relevant to topics and practice areas covered in the IPV/VAW course


A provocative issue for those who work with families impacted by IPV is determining the role that perpetrating partners should have as parents or caregivers. There may be philosophical differences between child welfare and VAW professionals when it comes to this, and other matters, with the child welfare sector generally favouring an approach that is family-centred and the VAW sector taking a survivor-centric approach – though the two approaches are not necessarily mutually exclusive. Ultimately at the heart of collaboration between the child welfare and VAW sectors is a shared understanding and core principle: In a family where there are children and there is intimate partner violence, the safety and well-being of the child is directly linked to the safety and well-being of the parent experiencing violence, more often the mother.

Working with men who use violence

Worker safety